Delphax Elan Web Retrofit Solutions
Reducing your entry cost to production continuous inkjet.

High-volume, production inkjet presses are the game-changers of digital printing. And so are the Elan 600WR and Elan 1200WR. We can help you capitalize on direct mail, catalogs, fundraising and publishing. These inkjet retrofit solutions allow you to upgarde your existing press platforms to high quality inkjet for a fraction of the cost of a new continous web inkjet press.

Print Productivity & Resolution
Up to 600 letter images per minute for the Elan 600WR.
Up to 1,200 Letter Images Per minute for the Elan 1200WR
1600 x 1375 dpi @ 1400mm/sec or 275 ft/min
Powered by Memjet® Printheads & Its VersaPass™
Inkjet Technology
Memjet® printheads pack 70,400 nozzles into a 1,600 dpi device that can be easily configured to print one or four colors.
The printhead life and print quality are both maximized. Memjet’s® efficient silicon structure enables the printheads to remain cost-effective while delivering an impressive combination of speed and DPI.
The quality and authenticity of Memjet® VersaPass™ ink is protected electronically.
Ink drops are only 1.1 pl.
Press Ink

Dye-based aqueous inks: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black
VersaPass™ inks are water-based and use dyes as colorants
The inks are finely tuned to jet with extremely high reliability throughout the life of the printhead

Paper Format, Weight & Flexibility
Maximum print width for Elan 600 WR:
8.7″ (220mm)
Maximum print width for Elan 1200 WR:
Stitched: 17.3″ (439mm)
2 columns: 8.7″ (220mm) each
Limited only by press and pre/post capabilities
Inkjet treated and uncoated paper substrates
Transport & Pre/Post Processing

Why should you have to spend money on a new transport when you know that the heavy iron frame from your existing press is proven reliable? Why be forced into spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on new pre and post processing equipment for a new roll fed line when you know the current system meets your needs?
By upgrading your existing press you can retain and continue to earn further ROI on your existing roll fed equipment, using the same production workflow your team already understands.
If you need to upgrade any equipment we and our partners can help find the right solution for you, but it should be your choice.
Easy Software Workflow Integration
Ease of integration with all standard files and custom workflows
PDF-based workflow supporting versions up to and including PDF 1.7, PDF/X-1, PDF/X3, PDF/X-4, PDF/VT
Industry standard workflow, integrations and optional support for: PostScript, PCL, AFP, IPDS, Metacode, Xerox VIPP
Support for variable workflow solutions such as Quadient Inspire, Objectif Lune, etc.
Production performance and system reporting as standard
Integration support for pre-flight, imposition, workflow automatin tools, MIS systems, Web-to-print
ICC compliant color workflow